
Will it rain on my wedding day?

Will it rain on my wedding day?

Article Published: Thursday 30th August, 2018 - 12:29pm

It's the age-old question asked by brides and grooms up and down the country: will it rain on my wedding day? While of course there's no guarantee either way, the clever people at Monsoon have come up with a wedding weather calculator, so you can predict the weather for your chosen date, and even vary it by location. Using official Met Office rainfall data, they've analysed 86 years worth of statistics to find out which days have historically been the driest and which days have seen the rain falling!

Click here to try out the calculator 
And remember, even if it does rain on your wedding day, there are plenty of plans you can put in place, so the day is far from a washout! Have a read of Wed's wet wedding wisdom feature here, which will help you embrace the elements.

Photo Paul Keppel Photography