Planning Your Wedding

Panic at the disco

Panic at the disco

Wedding day SOS

How to solve those big day mishaps

Lucy Lawrence
Lucy Lawrence - Deputy Editor

Our wedding day SOS will help you carry on and enjoy the day, minus the stress

Your big day is here… but before you know it, something’s gone wrong and you have a mini emergency to sort out. Worry not, with our handy hints on what to do when it all goes a bit pear-shaped…

My dress has ripped before the ceremony!
This one isn’t quite as disastrous as it sounds, so first things first: take a deep breath. Depending on the material of the dress and where the rip is, it’s likely to be fixable. Ahead of your wedding day, identify someone in your bridal party who’s handy with a needle and thread, and task them with bringing a mini sewing kit on the day. If you haven’t done this, it’s likely your venue will have one and a quick-fix job shouldn’t take long or be noticeable. It’s worth asking your dressmaker or bridal boutique what to do if it rips, as there may be specialist tips depending on the material.

It’s raining and we’re having an outdoor wedding
Hopefully you’ve discussed an indoor option with your venue beforehand, but if not – and there really is no indoor option – then umbrellas it is. Send someone out for golf umbrellas (the bigger the better so people can share!) and/or a water-resistant gazebo. However, bear in mind that it’s very unlikely it will rain for the whole day (especially if it wasn’t forecast!) so you should be able to enjoy some al fresco celebrations at some point during the festivities.

I’ve spilt something on my dress
Ideally, your dress will be the last thing you put on before heading down that aisle, so it’s unlikely you’ll have a mark for your ceremony itself. But as the party kicks off, and the drinks are flowing, we’ve seen many a wedding dress suffer from red wine, chocolate, lipstick… Different types of stain require different treatments, but if you can pop a stain-removing pen, some white chalk and some bicarbonate of soda in your emergency bag, you should be able to tackle most of them. Google is your friend (it will tell you what to use, depending on whether the stain is from something water or oil-based), and ask someone who hasn’t been on the champagne all day to help you take care of it!

My flowers have wilted
Firstly, keeping flowers in cooler temperatures will help stave off wilting so keep them out of direct sunlight and in a cool room or fridge until you’re ready to head down the aisle. You can also try a quick spritz of hairspray on the underside of the leaves and petals. If they’ve already wilted, and you didn’t get them from a florist who you can ask, then try popping them in fresh spring water (rather than tap) and adding a little sugar to help revive them.

My cake has melted
If you can think about this one in advance, there are a few ways to avoid a melting wedding cake on a baking hot summer’s day. If you are planning to display the cake outside, leave it inside in a cool, shaded area until an hour (or less) before you plan to cut it. Outside, it is best to keep it out of direct sunlight. Also think about the cake ingredients – buttercream (or any dairy-based icing) will melt quicker, so consider a naked or semi-naked cake if you’re marrying in the height of summer. If you notice it melting on the day, consider bringing your cake-cutting forward (nobody complains about surprise cake!).

I’ve got puffy eyes
Whether it’s a result of lack of sleep, some heightened emotions or just one of those annoying things that can happen, there are a few things you can do to reduce puffy eyes on your wedding day. Put a hydrating cream on the night before (one you’ve used before – don’t try anything for the first time on the night before your wedding!) or an eye mask to apply mild pressure to the eyelids. In the morning, make a cold compress for your eyes with ice cubes, cucumber slices or a cold spoon that’s been in the freezer. And if all else fails, make-up can work wonders!

The power’s gone off!
Whether it’s the weather, lots of electrical devices being used at once or just a technical glitch, a power outage can happen at a venue on rare occasions. If you’re having a DIY wedding and are therefore in charge of the venue, consider getting a back-up generator to avoid this. If you’re marrying at a venue, you should be able to depend on them to get it fixed – and perhaps enquire if there are back-up generators when you’re deciding on one. While you’re waiting for the power to come back on, distract your guests with something else – task someone with a walk around the venue, a ‘Mr and Mrs’ quiz or a good old sing-along until it’s fixed.

I haven’t slept a wink
Come the morning of your wedding, there’s not too much that can be done about getting more sleep, but there’s one thing we promise you: adrenaline will keep you going! Make sure you fuel yourself with a good breakfast – a combination of complex carbs, protein and some healthy fats. It might be porridge with ground flax, berries and nuts, avocado toast with poached eggs or an omelette packed with your favourite vegetables. Drink a cup of tea or coffee if you want the caffeine hit but don’t be tempted to drink too many and make yourself jittery – water is your best friend here.Emergency WeddingDIY SOS
It’s a good idea to have a little stash of helpful items on hand in case you need them during the day. Enter, the wedding day emergency kit. Get mini versions if you can and ask someone to carry it or store it at the venue for you.

Safety pins
Kirby grips
Double-sided tape
Dental floss
Clear nail polish
Blotting paper
Stain-removing pen
White chalk
Bicarbonate of soda
Mini sewing kit

words Lucy Lawrence

illustrations Maria Taylor, 14PaperBoats


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