
This Week in Wed World

This Week in Wed World

Article Published: Friday 27th September, 2019 - 3:13pm

Wowzers - what a week in wed world!!! Though summer is officially over, there's still plenty of sunshine spilling from these stunning sneak-peek shots from the latest weddings to have taken place here in the sublime south west.

From coastal romances to rural retreats, lavish hotels and intimate elopements, weddings have been staged at a variety of venues across Cornwall and Devon, each offering something different for these couples while providing the most beautiful of backdrops for those all-important photographs.

Every magical moment including sunset clinches and confetti-strewn walks have been captured to spellbinding effect as an eclectic mix of celebrations demonstrate exactly how enchanting a wedding in Cornwall and Devon can be.

And with some swoon-worthy fashion trends being donned to dazzling effect - from short skirts to fit and flare, dreamy fairy-tale frocks and ornate boho gowns, plus with grooms looking gorgeous in blue, on-trend tweed and tuxes - it's a stylish showcase of wedding world's most lusted-after looks.
