
Ten years of Cornish Celebrants

Ten years of Cornish Celebrants

Article Published: Tuesday 10th September, 2024 - 3:21pm

Celebrating ten years of bespoke wedding ceremonies

Marking their 10-year anniversary as independent celebrants and having wed hundreds of couples in the most unique and individual of ceremonies, Cornish Celebrants continue to invest their all into making every wedding vision a meaningful and memorable reality. “After working for Cornwall Registration Service for 30 years between us, it was a leap of faith!” admits Nicola Le Couteur Bisson and Denise Whitehair. “From our first wedding fair where we spent all our time explaining our concept of a beautiful, bespoke wedding ceremony – whenever and wherever the couple wanted it, free of all legal restrictions – to now, being sought out as couples understand the benefits of all we are able to offer.”